NY Climate Advocacy Project's
Policy Positions
We call on the New York State Governor, the legislature and state agencies to take urgent and bold action to protect our planet for future generations. New York with our large economy and talented workforce has an opportunity to innovate and help lead the way to a sustainable future.
New York's Climate Law sets out strong goals, but its success will depend on aggressive action by the Governor and state agencies to achieve, or even better exceed these goals. Read more...
Fossil Fuel Lies
Since the passage of New Yorks climate law in 2019, the fossil fuel industry and New York utilities have conducted a campaign of delay, disinformation and fals solutions to derail the law's implementation.
The New York State Scoping Plan developed by the Climate Action Council is an outline of how New York can meet our climate goals as outlined in New York's climate law. Although there are great recommendations in the plan, New York Climate Advocacy project calls for a detailed plan with timelines and enforcement measures. Read more...
New York Climate Advocacy Project strongly opposes S6030 on the grounds that it undermines New York's climate law by allowing increased greenhouse gas emissions through the weakening of accounting rules to measure emissions, and by exempting emissions from biofuels and biomass from being included in the accounting. Read more...