Community Advocates for a Sustainable Environment (CASE) was formed in February of 2018. CASE grew out of Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline (SNYFGP), which was formed in the Spring of 2014 to stop Kinder Morgan’s Northeast Energy Director Gas Pipeline. When the company withdrew its application in May of 2016 SNYFGP decided to continue to help other area fights against fossil fuel infrastructure and to create CASE to promote Renewable Energy. Since then CASE has organized five annual Renewable Energy Fairs and many community educational forums.
CASE/SNYFGP is governed by a Board of Directors, who meet regularly. Anyone who believes in our mission is welcome to join our mailing list and attend our meetings. CASE/SNYFGP puts out a newsletter to educate its members about fossil fuel and renewable energy issues and to suggests actions its members can take.
We are a grassroots, all volunteer, self-funded organization of concerned citizens. Although we are a not for profit organization we are not a 501(c) (3) and donations are not tax deductible.

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Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline and Community Advocates for Sustainable Energy are both all volunteer organizations. All of our money is obtained through donations. Although we are a not for profit organization, we do not have 501(c) 3 status and therefore donations are not tax exempt.
To pay using Paypal or Credit Card click here.
You can also send checks made out to SNYFGP to:
1409 County Route 5
Canaan, NY 12029
Contact Information:
Community Advocates for a Sustainable Environment (CASE)
Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline (SNYFGP)
1409 County Route 5
Canaan, NY 12029
Phone: 518-781-4686
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